Our Uniform
All items of academy uniform, book bags, etc. with the academy logo, can be purchased from Uniform Direct at www.uniform-direct.com. Alternatively, uniform without the academy logo can be purchased at many local supermarkets.
• grey or black trousers, skirt or pinafore;
• white blouse or polo shirt;
• red cardigan, jumper or sweatshirt;
• red and white dress may be worn in the summer;
• grey or black knee length shorts in the summer;
PE Uniform
- Indoor PE: plain red t-shirt, black shorts and plimsolls.
- Outdoor PE kit: plain red t-shirt, black shorts and separate trainers. Tracksuit/jogging bottoms and a non-hooded sweatshirt should be provide for colder weather.
- All jewellery must be removed for all PE lessons and long hair should be tied back.
All children should wear proper sensible black school shoes, not coloured trainers. Only earrings of a close-fitting type may be worn. No other style is allowed for your child’s own safety. Only one earring in each lobe is allowed and these should be removed for P.E. Watches may be worn as their use is considered beneficial in learning how to tell the time, however, they should be removed for all physical activity. Hair decorations should be discreet and be in the school colours. Make up and nail varnish are not permitted in school. Hair should not be coloured or have decorative patterns cut into it.
To ensure the smooth running of our classes and to cause the least amount of stress (to all), we ask you to ensure that all your child’s items of clothing are labelled clearly with their name.